Jaro Kinnunen = Galen Finne

Då har jag vaskat fram en ny intervju, denna gången med en ung finsk talang
Han presenterar sig lite mer här nedanför. // Björn


Name: Jaro Kinnunen

Age: 21 
Motorclub: Rally drivers team (RDT)
Car: Honda Civic type - R 2008
General, finnish championship serie group 2wd

What is your goal next season:

Be a top tree in SM

What is the best that happend in your rallicareer:

2008 when i won F-cup and whole years entertainer trophy. Also all good new friends is really good :)

What is the worst that happend in your rallicareer:

When i crashed this year Arctic lapland rally.. it would be gonna hurt and coast a lot!!



How has the year been, many wins:

Lot of technical problems..  But still good, many good stage times and win a Lahti ralli..

Do you have a special motto: No i dont have



So nu we wonder what your best ralli memories are.

Lot of good memories.. Have to say this too 2008 win f-cup, first best stage times in general f-cup, and also that entertainer trophy i think it smiling me even long time..

What is your best memorie as a spectator:

hard to say what is best but this is some good memories.. 2007 Pohjois-häme ralli and stage 3.. First car which come drive out and also second car! :D And also some trips in sweden Marknadsnatta 2007 and the Records crash and Lima 2010 because the rally and us group was super!

Which crash is the worst you have ever seen:

I really dont know, every crash is so different.. But maybe Autoglym ralli 2010 and one bmw 5,5 rounds it is good. and also the Record in Marknadsnatta 2007 because he have gas on all the way before crash. Maybe always when somebody go really toofast cut a dash!

Is there any special sponsors or people you would like to thank:

I say thanks everybody!

With best regards
Jaro Kinnunen


Glöm inte att titta på jaros hemsida jarokinnunen.com

Om ni vill se incar med honom går ni in här jarokinnunen.kuvat.fi
Här nedanför har ni en film jag mer än gärna rekommenderar er.

Det bästa med Jaro 2008. Håll till godo

Postat av: Forellen


2010-11-26 @ 18:22:47
Postat av: Martin

Haha iskall kille!!

2010-11-27 @ 23:35:04

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